Bird watching or birdwatching in Asturias and Cantabria can offer fans of this activity an unforgettable experience, with a great diversity of birds throughout the year and in a setting of great landscape beauty and ecological quality. Not in vain, this is one of the few areas in Europe in which in a journey of approximately 1 hour by car you can cross all the types of habitats of our bioclimatic zone, from the sea in the Z.E.P.A (Special Protection Zone for Birds) of the Eastern Coast or the Oyambre Natural Park in western Cantabria, to the alpine zone of the Picos de Europa National Park, passing through deciduous forests, rivers, estuaries, meadows and pastures, pine plantations,.etc.
Bird Watching in Asturias and Cantabria

The Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and the Golden Eagle Aquila Chrysaetos dominate most of the skies from the sea to the mountains, but woodpeckers, great and tufted cormorants, and alpine sparrows, Egyptian vultures, choughs, short-toed eagles, ducks and a wide variety of waders are easy to observe.
The spectacle of the migration of gannets and other seabirds or observing how a large vulture or a Golden Eagle feeds a chick in its nest, can delight the most demanding professionals or those who only want to get started in one of the most ecological and fascinating hobbies that can exist.
To carry out these bird watching activities, we have created the company Birding Picos de Europa. On their website you can find all the information necessary to book any of our routes, weekly packages or weekend getaways, or to prepare on your own a day of bird watching in the Picos de Europa or in its closest surroundings.